As we embark on a brand new year it is important to update your copyright dates on all the pages of your business websites.
The importance of having the correct copyright date can not be overstated from both a Search Engine and Business standpoint.
First; from a new business perspective when a potential client comes to a website and they look at the bottom of the page and find the date a little behind-the-times it can make an impression of a house not in order. Personally I feel that it might take awhile for larger sites if the date is not having some type of automatic include or dynamically generated from a database. This can involve some manual labor of having to go to every page and update the date.
Secondly; as search engines get smarter on the search engine algorithms the copyright dates may become more important. This is probably one of the small variables for search engines, but never-the-less, it would be wise to update.
Thirdly; as quality sites are looking to link to your business for relevant information one of the items that might be checked is the copyright date. This can give a type of early warning system as to the freshness of the information. If the information is new, but is placed on a page with an old copyright, how is another business supposed to evaluate the relevancy of the data for today?
So, make it one of your priorities to have your webmaster update your dates. If you do not have a webmaster and have outdated pages on your B2B or B2C business website, or would like to update the business website, Professional Web Services, Inc., can provide the service.
Professional Web Services, Inc. Internet marketing services, online advertising strategies, web branding solutions to provide more sales for your business.

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